Adding Feet to a Snake 画蛇添足 一天,狮子先生举行了一个聚会。许多动物来了,他们喝了很多酒。最后只剩下一壶酒了。让谁喝?他们想了想,有了主意。他们竞争画蛇。谁画得最快,谁就喝这壶酒。 Soon Mr. Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says
Soon Mr. Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says. But he draws again and says, “Oh, let me add feet and my snake.” At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and drinks;then he says, “That isn’t a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.”