故事一开始,两个小男孩在公园的草地上发现了一枚硬币。他们都想要。其中一个想收集不同的硬币(He likes collecting unique coins),另一个想买自己喜欢的冰淇淋( If you have money, you can purchase your favorite things)。
后来提到许愿池里的硬币不能拿走,这代表了别人的愿望,用了We can’t take away their wishes.
I bought you a piggy bank. You can develop a habit of saving money now. Saving can help avoid financial difficulties. Those who save are less likely to suffer from financial difficulties.
When you have money, you can purchase your favorite things.
比如吃得太多,联想到教案句:You seem starving. Don’t overeat, be abstemious. It’s healthy to eat less at dinner. If you’re physically active, you are less likely to be obese.
车水马龙人流多China has a large population. Our city has a big population. There are many tourists during holidays, and we can see numerous people. ( a multitude of people). There is a traffic jam. Have a little patience. Traffic congestion is a knotty problem. It’s difficult to tackle.
门可罗雀顾客多 The shopping mall is crowded. The staff are friendly and courteous.
有许多生活习惯,我选择如何生活:Life can be exciting or tedious. You decide what kind of life you will live. It is impossible to achieve your optimal health if you do not have a positive mindset.
有许多解压方法 ,洗澡游戏更有趣:A hot bath will help you get rid of weariness and pressure. We can prepare some games together so everyone can have fun.
健康生活方式多:Taking a nap after lunch will be beneficial/instrumental/helpful/useful to your health. Walking after dinner is beneficial to our health. Exercising regularly helps people maintain a healthy body. A sedentary lifestyle will be detrimental to your well-being.
博学多才多书, 博学多才多学:There are many advantages to reading. Reading is advantageous.This book is thought-provoking and informative. This book is interesting and worth reading.You can find confidence, kindness, and encouragement in books.