第二,找出孩子对阅读感兴趣的内容。就像同一个孩子,她妈妈告诉她,她读了《the Factory Mady Boy》开头的时候没有读,但是《ICH and Meine Schwester KLARL》一口气读完,因为她不喜欢第一本书!事实上,无论是大人还是小孩,找到感兴趣的书才能读下来,你应该做的就是让孩子尝试各种书籍。
看完英文绘本,孩子还会遇到一个障碍,那就是除了经典的《苍蝇小子》之外,如何过度阅读文字/初章书籍(Fly Guy ),猫头鹰日记(Owl Diaries)等初章书。我们也可以给孩子们一个英语笑话(Jokes for Kids),大约7-9岁的孩子对笑话、脑筋急转弯、谜语很感兴趣,而且,笑话的篇幅较短,边看边笑,孩子就完成了阅读。有一本书叫Jokes, Have a Laugh and Improve Your English,由此可见,提高英语阅读能力也是一个不错的选择。
Awesome Jokes for Kids to Laugh , Magical Mischief Jokes that Shock and Amaze 。
1. Reading Skills 提高阅读能力
2. Social Interaction 社交互动
3. Better Coping Skills 提高应对能力
4. Verbal Skills 提高语言能力
5. Encourages Family Time 促进家庭、亲子关系
6. Better Health 有益健康
1. Food Jokes for Kids
Q: What did the asparagus(芦笋) say to the mushroom ?
A: You're a fun gun .
Q: What kind of nuts has no shell ?
A: A doughnut.
Q: What kind of snack do you have during a scary movie ?
A: Ice cream( I scream ) .
Q: What does a nosy pepper do ?
A: It gets jalapeno business! (all-up-in-you business)
2. Math and Science Jokes
Q: Why was the math book sad ?
A: It had too many problems.
Q: How do we know Saturn was married more than once ?
A: Because she's got a lot of rings !
3. Popular Jokes for Kids
Q: What does a cloud wear under his raincoat ?
A: Thunderwear
Q: What did the fisherman say to the magician ?
A: Pick a cod, any cod.
Q: What did the snowman say to the other snowman ?