Little bird, can you clap? 你能鼓掌鸟吗?
No, I can't.
Little bird, can you fly? 你能飞鸟吗?
Yes,I can.
Elephant, can you stomp? 你能跺脚吗?
Yes, I can.
Little fish, can you swim? 你能游泳吗,小鱼?
Gorilla, can you climb? 大猩猩你能上树吗?
Yes, I can,
Buffalo, can you run? 水牛你能跑吗?
Boys and girls, can you sing? 你们能唱歌吗,孩子们?
Yes, we can.
Boys and girls, can you dance? 你们会跳舞吗?
We can sing, we can dance. Yes, we can.
思辨绘本/青少英语 任选一门*1课时