爱吃辣的加拿大叔叔雅思托福教了十几年的中文,说得还不错。他的头像是他的猫,在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货。每一篇范文都有声音,在同名微信官方账号英语考试Cat” - IELTS Speaking Part 2 - ▲音频戳这里▲ How does technology help people tell stories?
Um, technology helps tell stories? Hmm, well, I think the prime example of how technology helps storytellers to tell their stories is the medium of video.
Um, lighting is another type of technology that’s important, whether it’s a play in a theatre or some type of video, lighting is always critical. And so I guess the same is true for recording voice. Microphones and recorders are vital for the storyteller to project their voice.
Like I said, technology is everywhere in this type of field, even in the printing of books. And one can say, even in the telling of a story sitting around a campfire, fire also being a technology. So, technology fundamentally helps by creating the medium and the mood for the storyteller.
prime example 明显的例子
medium 媒介
in essence 实质上
ubiquitous 十分普遍
lighting 灯光
campfire 篝火
fundamentally 从根本上
Holding the book, turning the pages, making notes, even the smell of the paper…I simply love books.
Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?
Hmm, I guess the main reason for their popularity is that they appeal to people’s curiosity. Such novels have lots of suspense and to solve them quickly, readers have to do some analysis themselves.
appeal to people's curiosity 满足大家的好奇心
suspense 悬念
find clues 找线索
the motives of a crime 作案动机
a definitive answer 确切的答案
What kinds of stories do children like?
Well, I mentioned Harry Potter before, I think that book, like fantasies, are popular with kids of both genders, while for most boys, I think they’re more into superhero stories, you know, where the world’s controlled by some evil power and a hero with a gift of some type or supernatural capability appears, and ends with fighting and defeating the evil entity, which is why I think Harry Potter is so popular with boys.
fantasies 想象作品
evil power 凶鬼恶灵
a gift of some type 某种天赋
supernatural 超自然的
What kinds of novels are suitable for a film adaption?
Hmm, kinds? Hmm, there’s a lot I guess. But off the top of my head, I would say world classics are good for being made into films, such as romantic novels like Pride and Prejudice and detective novels like Sherlock Holmes.