将物品或闪卡放在地板上。请一个孩子同时选择一张闪卡Tommy用爪子捂住眼睛。选好后,Tommy睁开眼睛,然后试着猜猜孩子刚才选了哪张闪卡。你可以和Tommy遮住眼睛,睁开眼睛。说:Come here (Marisa). Close your eyes, Tommy. Choose one, (Marisa). Show it to the class. Put it back. Open your eyes, Tommy. 用Tommy声音,问:Is it the¼?
把闪卡贴在教室的墙上。Wave to (grandad), 鼓励孩子们一起做这个动作。然后说:Blow a kiss to (mummy), 鼓励孩子们一起给予Tommy飞吻。你可以混合这两个动作,然后说:Wave to (mummy), blow a kiss to (baby).
哪一个?Which one?
将闪卡脸朝下放在地板上。说:Where's the ( pencil)? 叫一个孩子出来,把它拿出来Tommy给他拿着。帮助孩子逐一打开闪卡找到它pencil闪卡,说:No. That isn't the (pencil)! It's the¼ Yes! Here's the pencil! Well done!