第二部分:如何学习新动词和新句型? (多个动词 —— 一个句型)
第三部分: 如何进行多句综合训练? (一个动词 —— 多个句型)
Start With Susan B动词类基本句型系列共68个,比例Start With Susan A 有17组名词类基本句型。 本人将这些句型分为19种,具体如下:
最后,从第54到第68组,都是在某处做某事的各种句型,讲述了所有的方向介词,on, in, under, behind, arround, to, though deng.
第二部分: 学习新动词和新句型 (多个动词 —— 一个句型)
Baby ,look at the picture.
Q: What is that panda doing?
A: It is dancing. (母亲自问自答)The panda is dancing. Dance,dance ,dance, dance , dance . You say ' Dance" (Susan 教师的方式)
Look at mummy, what is mummy doing? Mummy is dancing. (看图片中的动物在做什么,然后自己动作,进一步重复单词和句子。
Let 's dance together. (如果孩子不知道你在说什么,就伸手拉他和你跳舞)
Mummy is dancing , baby is dancing too.
So you say " I'm dancing. " (引导儿童导出 I‘m dancing. Mummy is dancing. Panda is dancing too. )
整个过程与孩子一起玩耍,动起来,感觉差不多就换下一张卡片,let's look at one more picture. Ta-da, (拿出另一张卡片),比如:slither
Q: What can you see in the picture?
A : I can see a snake.
Q: What is the snake doing? (学习动词的金句)
A: It is slithering. (第一次接触新词,孩子肯定答不上来,都是引导人自问自答,然后开始做动作进一步解释)
Slither, slither, slither, slither. Mummy is slithring, the snake is slithering too.
演示结束后,导游开始拉孩子进来一起做动作,一起玩,一起玩。玩的差不多就复习前面的。dance, 动作要改变,动作要改变,一会儿dance, 一会儿 slither, 句型也可以转换,但不要添加太多,在认识动词时使用。be doing 换句时可加入句型。 can do.
例如:I can dance. I can slither. 完成,完成,立即提问:
Q: Baby, can you dance?
A: Yes, you can, you can dance. You say " I can dance"
Q: Can you slither?
A: Yes, you can , you can slither. You say " I can slither."
Q:Can the panda dance?
A : Yes ,the panda can dance. You say ‘ The panda can slither’
Q: Can the snake slither?
A: No, no, no. The snake can not slither. You say" The snake can not slither."
Q:Can the panda slither?
A : No, no, no,the panda can not slither. You say ‘ The panda can not slither’
Q: Can the snake slither?
A: Yes, yes, the snake can slither. You say" The snake can slither."
有很多单词可以写,但其实和孩子玩的时候,只需要5~8分钟就可以再来一次,然后继续下一个单词,按照刚才的用法。 be doing 认识单词的句型和互动示范,然后带入。 panda, snake 以及引导人和孩子,以及几个不同的角色来增强对这个词的认识。
能假装很累,使劲大口喘气,一屁股坐在垫子上,然后说,We are having fun. Right? But I am a little bit tired. Let's sit down and learn to make a new sentence. OK?
Let's learn a new sentence "somebody likes doing something", such as:
Mummy likes dancing. You say "Mummy likes dancing"
Mummy likes slithering. You say "Mummy likes slithering"
第三部分: 多句综合训练 (一个动词 —— 多个句型)
我做句型分类的主要目的是做这部分训练。当我们学习几个句型时,我们可以用一个动词和多个句型来结合句型分类。 dance 为例:
Let's play a game. OK?
Let's try to make sentences with "dance", and see who can make more sentence. (玩游戏造句游戏)。
Do you want to try first?
Mummy:Mummy can dance. ( 简单没关系。先开始。我的孩子现在不想说这么简单。他们觉得不特别。所以,如果你简单的打开游戏之路,孩子以后会尽力说一些难的话。
Kid:I like dancing.
Mummy: Dancing is good for us.
Kid: Dad does not know how to dance.
Mummy: I danced yesterday.
Kid : I dance everyday. ( 或者转换各种人称)
Mummy:An elephant never dances.
Kid: If my baby sister dances in living room, and makes lots of noise, I will say" Stop dancing" (这是一种情景描述,如果不能用英语描述,可以说中文,引导人帮忙说。
Mummy:I want do dance. / I dont wnat to dance. (转换人称,加入情景描述)
Kid:Dance slowly. ( 情景描述)
有很多句型可以做,有很多场景可以用心编辑。孩子们会越来越感兴趣,所以我就不一一列举了。如果你不能玩好这个游戏,那就先玩Susan老师。True or false 游戏,和孩子轮流说话,会开动脑筋组织语言。