不说英语不买,ok,I can speak English all the time.But please remember to buy something,I am now introduce to this steak.” 在直播卖货的同时教你学英语,新东方直播间火了。 回放俞敏洪的第一次直播,曾经被网友戏称为直播就像上课,现在双语教学卖货的方式出人意料的走
不说英语不买,ok,I can speak English all the time.But please remember to buy something,I am now introduce to this steak.”
一位有着8年50万学生经验的新东方英语老师,一边卖一块299元的牛排,一边用英语和汉语介绍牛排的味道:不说英语就不买。ok,I can speak English all the time.But please remember to buy something,I am now introduce to this steak.”