黄河颂 中英文对照文稿: I stand on the mountain peak, gazing at the Yellow River rolling towards the southeast. 惊涛澎湃 掀起万丈狂澜 浊流宛转 结为九曲连环 Golden waves surge, lofty waters rise; mudd
黄河颂 中英文对照文稿:
I stand on the mountain peak, gazing at the Yellow River rolling towards the southeast.
惊涛澎湃 掀起万丈狂澜 浊流宛转 结为九曲连环
Golden waves surge, lofty waters rise; muddy swirling rapids mark its sinuous course.
从昆仑山下 奔向黄海之边
Down from the Kunlun mountain, rushing toward the Yellow Sea;
把中原大地 劈成南北两面
It divides the central plains of China into southern and northern parts.
啊 黄河 你是中华民族摇蓝
Ah, Yellow River! You are the cradle of the Chinese people!
You have nurtured five thousand years of ancient culture;
many heroic tales have taken place on your shores!
啊 黄河 你是杰出而坚强的
Ah, Yellow River! You are mighty and strong,
like a giant you appear on the plains of Asia,
using your heroic physique to build our people’s defense.
啊 黄河 你一泻万丈 浩浩荡荡
Ah, Yellow River! You rush along to the horizon, majestic,
extending your arms like countless strips of iron towards both northern and southern shores.
伟大的民族精神 很快就会在你的哺育下促进滋生
Our people’s mighty spirit will flourish under your nurture!
我们祖国的英雄儿女 要学习你的榜样
From your example, our homeland’s heroic sons and daughters will learn