这也是一首数字儿歌,旋律欢快,歌词生动可爱 你可以一边唱歌一边给孩子们添加动作表演 One1, two2, three3, four4, five5, Once I caughta fishalive. Six6, seven7, eight8, nine9, ten10, But I let itgo again.
One1, two2, three3, four4, five5,
Once I caughta fishalive.
Six6, seven7, eight8, nine9, ten10,
But I let itgo again.
Why did I let itgo?
Because it bit
my finger
Which finger
did it bite?The little one upon the right.
One1, two2, three3, four4, five5,
Once I caughta crabalive.
Because it bitmy fingerso.
Which fingerdid it bite?The little one upon the right