Bear got his truck. He put it in the closet.小熊买了一辆玩具卡车,他把它放在壁橱里。
Bear got his bike. He put it in the closet.小熊买了一辆自行车,他把它放在壁橱里。
Bear got his train. He put it in the clos
Giraffe small boots
Birthday small giraffe, giraffe mother gave him to buy two pairs of small boots because he had four feet. Giraffe's devoted and long legs, boots EC particu
Super Safari 是正版,快乐冒险是国产版,两个版本满足不同花园的需求。今天,我们将详细解读正版和国产版的异同,以便您根据花园的具体情况更好地选择所需的教材。
· 课程特色
Super Safari(正版)/快乐探险(国内版)课程同时选择“全人教育理念”(The Whole Child Approach)。强调儿童健全人格的塑造,身体感知健康发展,多方面智