Everybody in the palace searched for missing tooth.
Bear got his truck. He put it in the closet.小熊买了一辆玩具卡车,他把它放在壁橱里。
Bear got his bike. He put it in the closet.小熊买了一辆自行车,他把它放在壁橱里。
Bear got his train. He put it in the clos
通过给宝宝讲英语故事,父母不仅可以让宝宝对英语感兴趣,还可以提高宝宝的英语语感。这是学习英语的好方法。每周五晚上,我们都会给父母和孩子带来一个有趣的教学故事。我希望你会喜欢它! 小蝌蚪找妈妈双语对比版The Tadpoles Look for Their Mommy A group of tadpoles live in a pond happil
适读年龄:2-7岁 孩子们,你们在家帮爸爸妈妈做家务吗?我们是家庭的一部分。我们也有责任在力所能及的范围内帮助我们的家庭做一些家务。今天,让我们来看看故事中的孩子们为帮助父母做了后记得向他们学习 Helping 帮忙 Look at us! We can help make the beds 看看我们!我们
东西太多了! Bear got his truck. He put it in the closet.小熊买了一辆玩具卡车,他把它放在壁橱里。 Bear got his bike. He put it in the closet.小熊买了一辆自行车,他把它放在壁橱里。 Bear got his train. He put it in the clos