旁白:Once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. Mother pig: This house is too small. The three of you must leave home and build your own homes. 旁白:The fi
英文绘本图文并茂,简洁全面,再加上丰富的故事情节,很容易引起孩子的兴趣,让孩子在被故事吸引的同时提高英语水平。 而绘本配上地道的原文朗读,在学习英语方面更是事半功倍。 《Don't Wake the Baby!》不要叫醒宝宝 《A House for Hedgehog》刺猬的新家 《Biscuit Finds a Friend》找到一个
Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One morning, the mother pig said, “You must go into the world and make your own way.” So the three litt
牛津自然拼读绘本系列 Oxford Phonics World Readers L1-L5,主要包含孩子的常用词汇。每个级别有三本自然拼写故事绘本,共15卷,每卷18页,所有这些都伴随着音频。每卷结尾都有相关的作业纸训练,画面精美,卡通形象可爱,图文并茂。 Oxford Phonics World Readers这是一套适合5岁以上儿童的5级语音拼
离国庆小长假还有一周,爸爸妈妈和孩子们将有一个难得的共同假期,不妨陪孩子多读一些经典的英文绘本。 1 《 I Went Walking 》 推荐赠言: 《 I went walking》图画书中重复的句型,很多人会觉得卡尔爷爷的句型《brown bear》这个系列很相似,但是仔细阅读就会发现,这本书在语言节奏和故事情节上都有自己的优点。
Giraffe small boots 长颈鹿的小靴子 Birthday small giraffe, giraffe mother gave him to buy two pairs of small boots because he had four feet. Giraffe's devoted and long legs, boots EC particu
Adding Feet to a Snake 画蛇添足 一天,狮子先生举行了一个聚会。许多动物来了,他们喝了很多酒。最后只剩下一壶酒了。让谁喝?他们想了想,有了主意。他们竞争画蛇。谁画得最快,谁就喝这壶酒。 Soon Mr. Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says
The Fox and the Stork One day, a selfish fox invited a stork for dinner. Stork was very happy with the invitation – she reached the fox’s home on time and knocked at the door with her long b