原文 The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs A Man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a Goose which laid a Golden Egg everyday. Lucky though they were, they soon began to
许多家长会发现,在五年级之前,教科书上的英语相对简单,从五年级开始,难度急剧增加。五年级也已成为儿童英语学习的一个分界点。因此,在通常的学习过程中,我们需要加强儿童的英语阅读。通常带孩子去看一些英语儿童歌曲,英语图画书,英语睡前故事可以很好地提高孩子的英语意识。 Little Star Twinkle, twinkle, little sta
Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One morning, the mother pig said, “You must go into the world and make your own way.” So the three litt
听和说是最重要的语言技能。想想我们是如何学习母语的。在我们在小学学习阅读和写作之前,我们在几个月大的时候就开始学习听和说。因此,对于孩子来说,学习一门语言和先背诵单词是极其无用的。 大一点的孩子可以阅读相应的原文,或者家长可以根据下面的文字与宝宝对话。 The sun was about to rise on Farmer Tim's far