Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. " 小罗伯特向母亲要两分钱。 What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" 昨天给你的钱是什么? "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. 他回答说:我给了一个可
讲睡前故事有助于提高孩子的理解力、想象力和逻辑思维能力,对大脑发育非常有帮助。《兔子与草原狼》改编自玛雅民间故事。今天,让我们来听听这个故事,欣赏故事中的人生智慧。 视频加载中...A long time ago, there was a rabbit and a coyote. The rabbit always played tricks on the coyote. Si