东方之珠 中英文对比文稿: 小河向南弯弯 去香江看看 Little river convolutedly flows to the south, flow to Hong Kong to take a look. 东方之珠 我的爱人 你的风格是否浪漫依然浪漫 Pearl of the Orient, my lover,
祖国进行曲 中英文对比文稿: Wide is my Motherland of many forests, fields and rivers 我们的祖国是如此的广阔,它拥有无数的田野和森林。 I know of no other country where a man can breathe in such freedom.
东方红 英语文稿: The east is red, the sun is rising. From China, appears Mao Zedong. He strives for the people's happiness, Hurrah, he is the people's great saviour! Chairman
黄河颂 中英文对照文稿: I stand on the mountain peak, gazing at the Yellow River rolling towards the southeast. 惊涛澎湃 掀起万丈狂澜 浊流宛转 结为九曲连环 Golden waves surge, lofty waters rise; mudd
你 我 他~献给普通劳动者 中英文对比文稿: You walk in the morning breeze; every street and alley open their arms. 你来自晨风 街头巷尾敞开胸怀 他从夜幕下走来 肩上有蓝色盾牌 You sing in the wind and snow while
让我们挥动双桨 中英文对比文稿: 让我们挥动双桨 小船推开波浪 Let's sway twin oars, our little boat's plowing across the ripples, 美丽的白塔倒映在海面上 绿树红墙环绕 The beautiful white pagoda casts its shado
我们是共产主义的继任者 中英文对比文稿: 我们是共产主义的继任者 继承革命先辈的优良传统 We are the Communist successors, heirs of the glorious revolutionary tradition. 爱祖国 爱人民 鲜艳的红领巾 飘扬在前胸 Love the mother
写在前面 01 1000词基本功 1000个基本词汇的积累需要分为三个步骤: 其实对于1000个基本词汇来说,最难的就是这240个词汇,从0-1开始是最难坚持的。一旦这240个单词完成了,即使有一点基础, 再学别的,也没那么难。 make a fist. 握拳。 cross your legs. 盘腿。